
We check our biotechnologies in practice and choose optimal solutions which are safe for men and environment


We check our biotechnologies in practice and choose optimal solutions which are safe for men and environment

Liquid bio-organic fertilizer
(effluent) testing

Samara region reference center under veterinary and phytosanitary federal control service has conducted testing of liquid bio-organic fertilizer KOUD (effluent). This effluent is made of cow manure through thermophilic fermentation in the bio-chemical reactors.

What was guaranteed is that biofertilizer (effluent) DOES NOT contain pathogenic bacteria (including salmonella), sulfate-reducing bacteria, eggs and maggots of helminths. Bio-fertilize (effluent) has shown high spurious purity. Absolute absence of viable synanthropic flies' maggots and caseworms. Absolute absence of animalcular intestinal pathogenic organisms' cysts.


An impact of organic fertilizer effluent on corn,
barley and millet crops capacity

Ulyanovsk State Agricultural University has conducted research in the area of bio-organic fertilizer effluent effectiveness. 3 grain-crops were closely observed. Corn, barley and millet 2 soil types were studied: 1)Rich black soil which is leached, of medium-capacity and average-loamy 2) Typical rich black soil which is average-loamy and of medium capacity.

In order to analyse the effectiveness of effluent fertilizer, the comparison with other widespread fertilizers was conducted. Harvests from fields fertilized with Cheh-1, Cheh-4 and zeolite with nitric addition №60 ,and harvests from fields fertilized with effluent was the subject of comparison.

As the result, the barley harvest was increased by 1,19 tons per hectare. This is the highest outcome shown in the course of testing. The millet harvest was increased by 0,54 t/h as compared to control value.The corn harvest was increased by 1,64 t/h as compared to control value.

Test tube assays are being conducted at present moment in order to define main nutrient elements in soil and plant specimen.


Organic fertilizer effluent
was successfully certified

BTK company got voluntary certified its products. Federal Agency for Technical Control and Metrology handed out the certificate of conformance for organic fertilizer batch production to BTK company. State Standard - 33380-2015.


Effluent has increased potato outcrop
in mountain environments of Kyrgyzstan

Great positive impact on potato crops growth and expansion was demonstrated during fields cultivation using effluent in 2010-2012 in mountain environments of Kyrgyzstan.

The use of full standard of methane effluent (16 t/hectare) allowed for increased potato harvests by 3,6 t/hectare or 16% in comparison with control value (with no effluent use) as stated by 2010 research. 2011 research has shown an increase in harvests by 18,2% or 4,9 t/hectare compared to control values. 2012 methane effluent use research has shown an increase in harvests by 19.2% or 5,3 t/hectare compared to control values.

2011 studies on the half norm use of methane effluent (8 t/hectare) with half dose of fertilizers were conducted. Same studies were carried on in 2012. Striking results were shown. Potato harvests were increased by 6,3 t/hectare or 23.4% as compared to control value in 2011 while an increase in 7,5 t/hectare or 27% was demonstrated in 2012. Potato qualitative indicators concerning content of asylum were also significantly improved.

Collected data let us conclude that the use of methane effluent as dressing in potato cultivation process is an effective way to greatly increase potato harvest. Moreover, combining half norm use of methane effluent and half norm of fertilizers allows for potato increased harvests due to optimal application of nitric and phosphoric nutrients while improving soil nutritious regime.

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